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时间:2020-12-08 15:22   山西成考网   点击: 99 次


1.He was very busy yesterday;otherwise he______ to the meeting.
A.would have come B.would come C.could come D.had come
【答案】A本句考察虚拟语气。“如果他不是很忙的话,昨天就去开会了”,事实是他没有去开会,所以是与过去事实相反的假设,主句应该用过去将来完成时,因此选A项would have come.
2.Without your help,we ____ so much.
A.didn’t achieve B.would not have achieved C.will not achieve D.don’t achieve
【答案】B本题考察的是虚拟语气.without your help=if you had not helped us,表示与过去事实相反,主句谓语动词用should/would/could/might+动词原形.故选B.句意是“如果不是你帮助我们,我们就不会取得这么大的成就.”
3.Something must have happened on their way here.Or they ___ by now.
A.should have arrived B.should arrive C.would have arrived D.would arrive
【答案】C。句是must+have+过去分词的结构,表示对过去事实的推测。The road is wet.It must have rained last night.路是湿的,昨晚上肯定下雨了。因此我们可以推断:这是一个和过去的事实相反的虚拟语气。should+have+过去分词的结构,表示对过去动作的责备、批评。如:You should have gone over your lessons.你应当把功课复习好的。但是此句只是一个表示和过去的事实相反的虚拟句子,并没有责备的意思。本句的意思是:“路上肯定出事了。否则,他们现在已经到了。”因此正确答案应该是C.
4.But for the rain,we ____ a nice holiday.
A.should have B.would have had C.would have D.will have had
【答案】B这是含蓄条件句,表示“如果不……则我们已经……了”,故选B。but for:如果不是因为……,要不是……。句意为:如果不是因为下雨,我们本可以好好度假。Would have done表示对过去事实的虚拟。
5.But for my classmates’help,I ___the work in time.
A.did not finish B.could not finish C.will not finish D.would not have finished
【答案】D此句是含有含蓄条件句“but for my classmate's help"的句子.因此要选择一个虚拟语气的句子。因为是和过去的事实相反,因此D为正确答案。本句的意思是:“要不是同学们的帮助.我是不会按时完成任务的
6.If you_____ that late movie last night,you wouldn’t be so sleepy.
A.hadn’t watched B.haven’t watched C.wouldn’t have watched D.didn’t watch
7.If he ___ to the teacher attentively,he ___ the answer to the problem now.
A.had listened,would have known B.listened,would know
C.listened,would have known D.had listened,would know
8.----I thought you would come back tomorrow.
----I would if I ___ to attend a meeting.
A.don’t have B.didn’t have C.will not have D.would not have
9.Had you listened to the doctor,you _____ all right now.
A.are B.were C.would be D.would have been
10.It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ________ in love,at the age of seven,with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.
A.wouldn't have fallen B.had not fallen C.should fall D.were to fall
【答案】B。如果我没有在7岁的时候迷上Melinda Cox图书馆,很难想像我现在在做什么。