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时间:2021-01-19 16:23   山西成考网   点击: 123 次

1.no matter how difficult/however difficult 不论多么难

2.used to do…/be used to do…/be used to doing… 过去常常做/被用来做/习惯于做

3.it is no good/use doing… 做……没用

4.have sb do…/have sth done 使(让)某人做……/找人做……

5.make sb do…/be made to do… 迫使某人做……/被迫做……

6.be covered with snow 覆盖着积雪

7.get married to sb 和某人结婚

8.borrow…from sb/lend…to sb 从某人借来……/把……借给某人

9.steal sth from sb/rob sb of sth 偷某人……/抢某人……

10.warn sb of sth. 警告某人某事

11.inform sb of sth 通知某人某事

12.weather permitting/if weather permits 天气许可的话

13.it is well known that…/as is known to all… 众所周知

14.as well/…as well as… 也;……和……

15.as a result/as a result of/result from/result in/lead to 因此/因为(由于)/因为/导致/导致

16.in addition/in addition to 此外;除……之外

17.join/join sb in…/take part in/participate in/attend 加入/加入到……中去/参加/参加/参加

18.spend…doing/it takes sb…to do…/cost/pay…for… 花费时间或金钱的表示法

19.afford to do… 做……负担得起

20.whatever problems/no matter what problems 不论有什么问题
